Viktor Nikolaevich Beloozerov (1939-2020)

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Viktor Nikolaevich Beloozerov who died in November 2020. Victor was a member of the UDC Advisory Board and worked in the UDC team in VINITI (All-Russian Institute for Scientific and Technical Information of Russian Academy of Sciences).
Victor was an engineer-physicist and linguist with extensive knowledge on a broad range of subjects and had expert knowledge in the field of standardization of scientific terminology and bibliographic classifications. Most recently, he contributed to VINITI's project on mapping classification systems in the domain of scientific and technical information (see here).
His contribution and help will be greatly missed by the UDC Editorial Team and by his colleagues in VINITI.
Release of the new version of the Slovenian UDC Online

On 29 February 2020, National and University Library Ljubljana released a new updated version of the Slovenian UDC online 4. elektronska izdaja tabel Univerzalne decimalne klasifikacije UDCMRF12. These UDC schedules are aligned with the latest version of the UDC MRF 12 (from December 2018) containing 72,000 UDC classes and brings changes in around 6,000 UDC records.
The official presentation of the 4th edition of the UDC MRF in the Slovenian language will take place on 13 March 2020 in the National and University Library in Ljubljana.
Polish UDC Online released

Polish UDC Online "Polska UKD Online" was released for public use on 16 December 2019. This is the first complete online edition in the Polish language. It is published in collaboration between the National Library of Poland and the UDC Consortium. Polska UKD is available free of charge to all libraries and other information institutions in Poland.
More information for UDC users in Poland can be found on the Biblioteka Narodowa's portal "AktualnoĆci UKD".
Serbian UDC Online released

Serbian UDC Online "Srpski UDK Onlajn" has now been released. This is the first complete online edition in the Serbian language, prepared and published as a collaboration between the National Library of Serbia and the UDC Consortium. Srpski UDK Onlajn is available for free to Serbian librarians and other information professionals.