Outputs from the International UDC Seminar 2015, Lisbon 29-30 October 2015

The International UDC Seminar entitled "Classification & Authority Control: Expanding Resource Discovery" took place in the National Library of Portugal in Lisbon, on 29-30 October 2015. Presentation slides and posters are available from the conference website.The proceedings of the conference were published by Ergon.
This was the fifth in a series of successful and well attended International UDC Seminars. The conference was attended by 95 delegates from 26 countries comprising information professionals, classification and indexing specialists, researchers, practitioners, students in information and knowledge organization domain.
Proceedings book: Classification & Authority Control

Proceedings of the International UDC Seminar 2015 "Classification & Authority Control: Expanding Resource Discovery" are published by Ergon Verlag.
Classification & authority control: expanding resource discovery: proceedings of the International UDC Seminar 2015, 29-30 October 2015, Lisbon, Portugal. Edited by Aida Slavic & Maria Inês Cordeiro. Würzburg: ERGON-Verlag, 2015. 248 pages. ISBN: 978-3-95650-124-1. View the content page.
UDC Seminar "Classification & Authority Control" - Early Bird Registration closes 31 July 2015

The International UDC Seminar "Classification & Authority Control: Expanding Resource Discovery" will take place in The National Library of Portugal in Lisbon, on 29-30 October 2015.
Early bird registration opened on 12 June 2015:
The conference will be opened by Prof. Michael Buckland, well-known expert in the history and theory of documentation and bibliographic access.
The topic of authority control, subject authority control and subject access in various contexts will be discussed by a series of eminent speakers speakers including Barbara Tillett, Dagobert Soergel, Rebecca Green, Maja Zumer, Marcia Zeng, Nuno Freire, Andrea Scharnhorst, Richard Smiraglia, Maria Ines Cordeiro, Koraljka Golub, Claudio Gnoli, Marie Balikova
See the conference Programme for more details.Early bird registration opened on 12 June 2015:
- €200 early bird fee, students €160 (to 31 July)
- €250 regular fee, students €210 (registration closes 20 October)
Croatian UDC Online Release

UDC Online in the Croatian language Hrvatski UDK Online was released on 22 June 2015. The service is result of a collaboration between UDC Consortium and National and University Library in Zagreb.