UDC Update at IFLA

UDC Update at IFLA World Library and Information Congress (Wroclaw, Poland) - will take place on Monday, 21 August 2017 - 12:45-13:45 - in room IASE 1/51.
Join us at our regular UDC Update session at IFLA to learn about new developments in UDC Online Hub, new editions and translations, and development work on the UDC schedules.
New Spanish UDC textbook

A new textbook "Clasificación Decimal Universal: manual básico" by Edgardo Civallero is now available from Trea.
This introductory manual on Universal Decimal Classification explains features of the system and provides instructions for indexing using UDC with examples from the latest of the UDC MRF. The book is aimed at librarians and library students.
Programme - International UDC Seminar 2017

The International UDC Seminar 2017 "Faceted Classification Today: Theory, Technology and End Users" will take place in London on 14-15 September 2017 at Wellcome Collection.
This is the sixth in a series of International UDC Seminars devoted to advances in documentary classification research and their application in a networked environment. This conference revisits faceted analytical theory as a method for (re)constructing modern analytico-synthetic classifications and explores potential fields of application for facet analysis in information organization and access. Seminar is aimed at information professionals, researchers, lecturers in library and information science and computer science as well as controlled vocabulary developers and designers. The high quality programme of this year's conference, features the most prominent researchers in the field of knowledge organization and classification theory: Richard Smiraglia, Vanda Broughton, Birger Hjørland, Claudio Gnoli, Joseph Tennis, ARD Prasad & Fausto Giunchiglia, Martin Fricke, Dagobert Soergel, etc.
UDC number interpreter/parser

An interpreter (parser) for complex UDC number can be accessed here.
This approach to processing UDC numbers may be useful especially during retrospective conversion or in the context of library systems which do not have authority control or access to the MRF data.
Both are outcome of a research project by Attila Piros (University of Debrecen, Hungary). The list of his publications and presentations on this topic can be found here.