New UDC Master Reference File (MRF12) Released

UDC MRF12 was released at the end of December 2018. It contains changes published in two double-issues of the Extensions & Corrections to the UDC: 34-35 and 36-37. The new UDC MRF now consists of around 72,000 classes and it brings changes to over 6,000 classes.
UDC MRF is distributed under licence. The standard set of distribution files consists of XML, text, and ISO (for CDS/ISIS) exports. MRF12 is the last UDC MRF version distributed with an ISO file.
UDC Consortium - New Members

We have great pleasure announcing that the National Library of Poland and National Széchényi Library (Hungary) have joined the UDC Consortium. Both libraries are working on preparing updates to their previous UDC editions and are expanding support to UDC users in their countries.
CDU Online - Français Subscriptions Open

CDU Online - Français is now available for subscriptions. One-week free trials are also available. To apply for free access for library schools see CDU Online pour l'enseignement.
New UDC Online in French

UDC Online in the French language CDU Online : Français is now available and a free testing period is open until December 1st. Information & library professionals and educators are invited to apply for a free trial account.
CDU Online : Français represents the most comprehensive and up-to-date UDC schedules in the French language to date. Currently the online schedules have over 61,000 out of around 70,000 translations completed and are aligned with the latest version of the UDC Master Reference File. French translations are currently in progress and updates are being added daily. The publisher of this online edition is the UDC Consortium.