Past Events
19-22 May | Krakow, Poland | ISKO 2014. The International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO) will hold its 13th International Conference in Krakow, Poland. |
05 May | Champaign, Illinois (USA) | Inaugural Otlet Lecture "When Was the Age of Information?" by Prof. Paul Duguid at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. |
02-02 Dec | The Hague | UDC Consortium Executive Committee Meeting |
18-20 Nov | Espoo, Finland | KNOWeSCAPE 2013 Conference - the first annual KNOWeSCAPE conference will take place in Alto University, Espoo, in Finland. |
02 Nov | The Hague | UDC Consortium Executive Committee Meeting |
24-25 Oct | The Hague | International UDC Seminar 2013 - Classification & Visualization: Interfaces to Knowledge |
23 Oct | The Hague | Knowledge Orders and Science: workshop - KNOWeSCAPE project (COST Action TD1210) - the workshop is organized in conjunction with the International UDC Seminar 2013 - Classification & Visualization |
16-17 Sep | Amsterdam | The European Library Conference - Promoting innovation in Europe - The European Library partnership of research and national libraries |
18 Aug | Singapore | UDC Update at IFLA World Library and Information Congress - Sunday 18 August, 13.45- 15.45, Room 311 |
06 May | The Hague | UDC Consortium Executive Committee Meeting |