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UDC Consortium, PO Box 90407, 2509 LK
The Hague, The Netherlands |
Recent projects and research related to the UDC
Please, inform us about recent and on-going projects
and research on UDC. E-mail mail[@t]udcc.orgClick on the link but please remove the --antispam-- part of the email address |
2008-2009 | UDC Summaries - training material |
2007 | Magnaview - UDC Viewer |
UDC translation bibliographical survey |
Research into the complete number of translation of the UDC to world languages was conducted in 2004. Findings and bibliography of translations can be found in the article "UDC Translations: a 2004 Survey Report and Bibliography". Queries and comments: contact Aida Slavic [aida.slavic AT udcc.org] |
Project "Facet
Analytical Theory in Managing Knolwedge Structure", funded
by AHRB (Arts and Humanities Research Board) - Innovation Awards
Scheme, 2001 - investigated the feasibility of using facet analytical
theory to develop a knowledge structure suitable for the digital
environment and developed a prototype of classification for humanities The UDC Common auxiliaires were used in FATKS project as a source of generally applicable concepts. Contact: |
UNIDEC 2001-
The aim of the project is to design an expert system - a software package to generate UDC class numbers from document titles. As an initial approach, a decision support system is developed - an interactive computer-based system providing the user with decision models and data to support semi-structured and unstructured decision tasks. Project developed by Prof. A. Srimurugan, |
Catalogue OKO 2000 |
OKO (The Eye) is a Slovenian catalogue of web resources hosted by the Scientific Research Centre (ZRC) of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SAZU), Ljubljana, Slovenia. Author and project management: Nada D. Celija, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Catalogue is indexed by UDC and supports browsing through the classification hierarchy. Interface of the catalogue is partially in English (main search functions and navigation buttons and resource descriptions are in Slovenian). Database is maintained manually and updated periodically.
Project is developing an online access to music resources for visually challenged users. It will provide access and download of braille music in digital form but also spoken music using synthetic speech and large letter music. Musical resources are stored in the central database and indexed using UDC. Funded by European Commission under DGXIII Libraries Programme |
The project applies UDC classification in indexing and retrieval of distributed learning material. UDC numbers are used in Dublin Core and IMS metadata and UDC can be both searched (using words and numbers) and browsed on the search gateway. Funded by European Commission under IST (5th Framework) |
BibHit (Bibliotekernes supersøger) 1998-2000 |
BibHit is a Danish project which has as its goal to create a database of Internet resources of high quality. BibHit is a catalogue of internet resources indexed using DK5 (Danish classification system) and UDC in Dublin Core metadata. Funded by Danish state. |
DESIRE II 1998-2000 |
The second phase of the DESIRE was supposed intends to provide system enhancements to subject based search services and to work towards an organisational framework in which they can operate more efficiently.Experiments were made in the frame of DESIRE to auto-classify the collection on engineering used in DESIRE with the software and thesaurus (UDC) of GERHARD. Funded by EU´s Telematics Application Programme |
GERHARD German Harvest Automated Retrieval and Directory Phase 1: 1996-1998 Phase 2: 2001-2002 |
This project uses UDC for automatic classification
of the German web. GERHARD created a HARVEST based robot-generated index
of Web resources in Germany using indexing and automatic classification
and provides a search and a hierarchical browsing facility based on the
Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) which is maintained electronically
at the Library of the ETH Zürich. The UDC is three-lingual (English,
German, French) and includes about 60.000 entries with 13 different relations.
In the second phase of the project it is planned to improve the statistics software without changing the overall concept, as well as to enrich the UDC data with bibliographic resources that were manually classified by using UDC. Other new features will be automatic recognition of language and document types. Funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).
SOSIG 1996-1998 |
SOSIG is information gateway classified according to the UDC. As a part of its development SOSIG has created a program that extracts the manually assigned keywords from the main catalogue and analyses the frequency with which they appear in records classified with particular class numbers - in this case UDC. This vocabulary is then used with the DESIRE autoclassification system to assign one or more UDC class numbers to the harvested records. Funded by The UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and The UK Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC). |
A feasibility study on potential for converting the Universal Decimal Classification into a fully faceted system 1993-1998 |
Research was conducted by I.C. McIlwaine (UDC Consortium) and Nancy Williamson (Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto). Funded by University of Toronto and UDC Consortium |
The KBS-CROSS Project 1994-1995 |
The goals of KBS-CROSS were to produce a
computerized tool that cross-references the Library of Congress' classification
systems with the UDC within the domain of building and architecture. The
tool was planned to incorporate neural network technology. |
Nordic WAIS/World Wide Web Project 1994 |
Subproject: Automatic classification of WAIS
databases Automatic detection of new WAIS databases Automatic classification according
to UDC, English medium edition. Build a WAIS subject tree based on the
two top levels of UDC. |
University College London |
http://www.ucl.ac.uk/slais |
Contact: I. C. McIlwaine (i.mcilwaine AT ucl.ac.uk)
Contact: Vanda Broughton (v.broughton AT ucl.ac.uk)
Contact: Aida Slavic (aida.slavic AT udcc.org)
British Standards Institution |
http://www.bsi-global.com Research interests: |
Contact: Simone Levy (simone.levy@bsi-global.com) |
National Library of the |
http://www.nkp.cz/ Research interest |
Contact: Marie Baliková (marie.balikova AT nkp.cz) |
University of Amsterdam |
http://www.hum.uva.nl/ |
Contact: Gerhard J. A. Riesthuis (griesth AT xs4all.nl)
Central University Library Bucharest - Romania |
http://www.bcub.ro/ Research interests: |
Contact: Victoria Francu (francu AT bcub.ro) |
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